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Thursday 8 January 2009

My favourite pastime: Swimming

How many of you can swim? How often do you swim? My Mommy and Dadda can swim. I suppose they think that it's important for me to learn how to swim too.

They introduced me to the pool very early; as early as 3 months' old although most people think it's not advisable to take your babies to the pool before the age of 6 months. Nevertheless, Mommy saw how I really love water and thought that throwing me early into the pool might also make my body tougher. My first experience in the pool was at the Hyatt Hotel, Johor Bahru.

My 1st baby float, swimming with Mommy @ Hyatt JB!

Dadda joining in the fun and making sure I'm ok!

Now, I'm kind of a seasoned swimmer among babies my age. I say that because we go swimming every Monday night at Tok Abah's club in Subang Jaya. We started swimming weekly since I turned 6 months. I'm not afraid of the water at all, unlike some babies my age.

Mama Lyana, PapaAdam, Dadda & me at the club's swimming pool!

A couple of weeks ago, Mommy bought me a special float called 'Mambobaby'. It's special because I use it around my neck so my whole body goes under water while swimming. This keeps my upper body from being cold when exposed to the air when only my legs are in the water if I use the normal float. Once our body gets cold, that's when we catch the flu.

Even Tok Abah & Tok Mama is impressed at my swimming skills and love for water!

So, I strongly recommend the 'Mambobaby' to all babies under 2 years' old. Besides keeping your whole body under water, you will also learn to swim faster because your hands and legs will be free to move around, like treading water, I mean. As a result, our hands and legs will be stronger too.

My first taste of the new MamboBaby float Mommy bought me.
Check me out, I'm really swimming baby!

Look Mommy, I'm swimming!

Besides the pool, I've also been to the sea. I don't quite like the sand but I loved the sea! I get excited everytime I see the wave coming towards me! I enjoyed standing on the beach when the waves broke and water came rushing towards my tiny feet. Mommy held me while I enjoyed the warm sea.

At the moment, I know that swimming is my favourite pastime. What about you? Care to go for a swim?

Till next time,


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