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Showing posts with label videos. Show all posts

Sunday 6 March 2022


Hi everyone.

    I know I'm not active lately but happy new year!!! I hope everyone had an awesome new year. Anyway, last year on the 19th of December, there was a flood in Malaysia. Coincidentally, that day we were supposed to go on our annual FAF family trip for our family day. So, because of the flood, we decided to do our FAF family day at Mama's house in PJ. 

    The night before, Idzhar and I slept at Mama's house because our cousins were sleeping there too and Tia was coming back from Kuantan. It's been a while since we got to meet everyone. That night, we had a lot of fun. We played some card and board games, watch movies and talked to each other. It was just like old times. We also got our annual family day T-shirts.

our team colour for the year was pink!

    The next day, we woke up early and get ready for the day. We ate breakfast and played our first game while waiting for our parents to arrive for the day. The first game was hosted by Mama herself. The game is, we had to line up and use rubber bands to make other rubber bands fall off a rope that has been tied to a chair. Even though it was just us kids with Tia and Mama, it was so chaotic. Everyone was cheering and laughing. 

we get 5 rubber bands each.

    Next, when the parents have arrived, we moved on to the second game which was hosted by Dadda and Mommy. For their game, Dadda will hit some shuttlecocks using a badminton racket and the others had to catch it using the shuttlecock tube. Each person had 6 tries. It was windy outside but we managed to play the game. Here's are some pictures of us.

amik gambo dulu









Me :p

After us kids, the adults played too. It was so funny to watch all the commotion. We laughed so hard and cheered loudly. 

hardcore fans HAHAHA

me taking pictures of the adults

For our third game, we played Tia's game which we had to use toilet rolls to knock down plastic water bottles like bowling! It was really fun. The kids go first like always then the adults. We laughed SO HARD when the adults played. HAHAHA. It was really funny. Here are some videos.

After Tia's game, we took a quick break for Zohor prayers and ate lunch. We also took some family pictures.


Then, we moved on to Ayah De's game where the adults had to put a piece of Jacob's Cracker on their forehead and try to make the cracker fall to their mouth without using their hands. We kids, we had to time them and see which team wins. It was so messy and funny too HAHAHA.
a short video of what was going on taken by Aimar.

Then, we played Aunty Alma's game. For this game, each team had 3 team members. We had 1 minute to "dress up" our model using a toilet roll. Each team can only use 3 rolls. Aunty Alma's game was a little challenging since we had to use our creativity but we had fun. 

our model πŸ˜‚

the girl models

Lastly, we moved on to Ayahngah's game. We all had to create a dance to a song of our choice and it was HILARIOUS. We had so much fun. For this game, we kids had two teams, boys versus girls. Then the adults paired up. Here are some videos to enjoy!πŸ˜‰

we basically got "rickrolled" by them BAHAHAH


us kids joined in too!

That night after we did our maghrib prayers together, we ate dinner and celebrate Faiez's birthday. Then Ayahngah and Aunty Inn gave us presents for the game like we did every family day before this. We had loads of fun that day. 

So that's it for this post. Stay tuned for part 2.

Talk to you all later!πŸ˜‰

Make sure you read this too!

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