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Friday 6 January 2023


Hello everyone !

Wow, I still cannot believe that it is already 2023! 2022 was....something. A lot happened. 

Because of COVID-19, I still had to attend school as a form 1 in January 2022. We were separated into two groups and had to take turns so that the school wouldn't be crowded since we still had to maintain social distancing. We had our end-term assessment that month. Then we had a full month's holiday in February before we entered form 2. 

Before going back to school, we #FAFAMILY had a family day way back in December 2021. It was a rainy season at that time so we had to do the games at Mama's house in PJ. Then in February 2022, we went to The Sticks Guide at Frasers Hill, Selangor.

In April, we finally start a new semester. At the same time, we hit Ramadhan month so we had to fast while going to school. We still had to maintain social distancing so the tables were separated one by one (like how it would be if you have exams). 

I also celebrated my 14th birthday!!! We had a small celebration at our house after we buka puasa

For Raya in 2022, we had a little surprise. Raya came early this year! It was supposed to be on the 3rd of March but it came one day early HAHAHA. My family and I, we were in a mall when they announced the news. When we got the news, we were so shocked. It was hectic. Everyone was panicking about clothes, foods, the traffic jam, everything. I looked at WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter and it was HILARIOUS seeing everyone talking about it HAHAHAGAH. Even though it was all over the place, we managed to celebrate Raya nicely and smoothly. We went from PJ to Seremban on the 1st day Raya. Then on the 2nd day, we went to Muar to visit Adida and her family. Then we went jalan-jalan around Melaka for a few days. We also went to Langkawi to visit Dadda's friend from Glasgow, Aunty Ida. 

After a few days celebrating with family and close friends, it was time to go back to school. My school did a Raya celebration too! It was so fun. Unfortunately it was raining a little but we still had fun. We took pictures, played games, give out duit raya and ate.....A LOT. Every Raya, we definitely ate a lot of food from open houses and even celebrations at home. Even though we still had to deal with Covid while celebrating, Raya will always be a celebration where we really connect with people and have fun. It will always be a memorable celebration every year. 

at home 1st Eid morning

At Muar 2nd Eid

4th Eid at Melaka

In August, I had my sports day. I entered the parade for my team, a long-distance event and 2 field events. I had sooo much fun. It felt good to be back at the stadium filled with noises of cheers, claps and more. The last time I experienced that was in standard 3. After that, I kept missing all sports days at primary school. I miss all those sports day memories. 

I am in the red team (we called it Mars) and we won 2nd overall. I find it a little funny that I have been in the red team since kindergarten! I was red all the way. From CIC to SKBJ to Govan High in Glasgow and now in SMKBJ. Ah, the memories. 

After August, we got a bit busy. Idzhar and I were busy with school, Aysha started going to CIC like me before and Dadda got a new job. We also had a lot of school holidays since it was almost the end of 2022. 

In December, we had 3 weeks of school holiday. We mostly stayed at home since I had to prepare for my end-term exam. But on the last week of December, we went to Amverton Club and Resort to celebrate the new year. We went with the #BibAniCrew and also Adida's family from Muar. We had so much fun. We went to the waterpark and also the survival park. We also had a family dinner on new year's eve and watch the fireworks countdown to welcome 2023.

What a year. I learnt a lot of life lessons and face a lot of challenges. It was a roller-coaster ride. I hope that 2023 will be better than 2022. Time to face new challenges, learn new lessons and open a new chapter in my life. 

That's all for now. I hope everyone had a great 2022 and, InsyaAllah, we will have a great 2023 too. Here's to a new year in our life. It's a little late but happy new year everyone !!

gossip girl, hehe <3  


1 comment:

Simon Conley said...

Thank you for writing this post

Make sure you read this too!

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