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Showing posts with label nadyne singing ABC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nadyne singing ABC. Show all posts

Tuesday 10 August 2010

What I've learned in school so far...

Just a quick update on what I've picked up in school since I started attending
CIC (Children Islamic Centre) slightly more than a year ago.

Of course I now know my ABCs and how to count 1, 2, 3 in English, Malay and Mommy taught me to count 1 to 10 in French too. Apart from that, I can now recite the doa before I eat and before I go to bed too.

<a href="">LinkedTube</a>
Nadyne singing the A,B,C..

My latest achievement this past couple of weeks (that I think Mommy and Dadda are so proud of) is to be able to join Mommy and Dadda when performing the solat and read the Iftitah and Al Fatihah in full.

And besides the usual nursery rhymes that everyone knows, I can also sing the 10 Malaikat (10 Angels) song. Don't believe me? Here's the proof...

<a href="">LinkedTube</a>
Nadyne solat - with doa iftitah & Al-fatihah 
(the video a bit dark because we used Dadda's handphone camera)

<a href="">LinkedTube</a>
Nadyne singing the 10 malaikat song..


Friday 19 March 2010

The ABC Song

This is me singing the ABC song (well, at least it sounded like the ABC song...). Cool eh?

Take 1

Take 2

p/s: Dadda will be going to be a facilitator in Melaka for the next 6 days to help build leaders of tomorrow!
I'm going to miss you Dadda. Have fun & come back safely! Check out!

Make sure you read this too!

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