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Showing posts with label ballet concert. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ballet concert. Show all posts

Saturday 5 May 2012

On my way to become a Prima Ballerina!

At long last, the day of my ballet concert came.

The name of my concert was Sugar & Spice. It was on the 29th of April and almost everyone was there.

Mommy and Mak Lel took me to the hall at noon as I had to be there early. Dadda, Tok Abah, Tok Mama and everyone else came later.

All set to go :)

The concert started at 2pm and my performance was the 3rd one. After the concert I met with everyone who came to see me. They were Tok Abah and Tok Mama, Paksu and Aunty Kinaz, Umi Put and Uncle Irsyad, Ayah Ngah and Aunty Inn, Mak Lel, Aunty Ina, CuNa, Sarah, Kak Miza, Abang Faiez and of course, Mommy and Dadda. 

I think everyone had a good time (although I doubt they could really see me amongst all my ballerina friends while performing on stage). 

I think Pak Su really enjoyed it. I think he secretly wants to be me too. 

I'm not quite sure he has the talent though...

Make sure you read this too!

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