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Showing posts with label 2nd year anniversary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2nd year anniversary. Show all posts

Thursday 23 July 2009

Anniversary Holiday

"A wedding anniversary is a celebration of love, trust, partnership, tolerance and tenacity. The order varies for any given year" ~ Paul Sweeney

More than a week ago, on the 7th of July, Mommy and Dadda celebrated their 2nd anniversary. It was on a Tuesday so they didn't have any special celebrations, plus, Nek Tok, who is Tok Momma's father was in the hospital. But that weekend, on the 11th, we went out of town to the beach. Yes, I said WE. This time I got to go along on a holiday at the beach.

We arrived at a hotel called Avillion in Port Dickson on Saturday afternoon. We had a water-chalet type of room which was on stilts and we had the sea below us. When I sleep, I could hear the sound of waves underneath. The hotel had lots of interesting things for us to do. They have a room filled with activities for children and besides playing at the playground, we swam at the pool. There were 3 pools; one of the pools had a slide which I enjoyed very much!

Look at me solo-sliding! Wooohoooo!

I was too small to go for the water sports activities at the beach so we spent most of our time at the pool.
We also had a chance to feed animals like rabbits, peacocks and hamsters at the pet farm.

There were a lot of other stuff that we didn't get to do because we had so little time. Maybe next time we can go for the nature walk, karaoke and the water sports activities such as jet ski, banana boat and others (maybe when I'm older). I can't wait for our next holiday trip!

"No man needs a vacation so much as the man who has just had one" ~ Elbert Hubbard

And with that, I leave you with photos from our vacation.

Make sure you read this too!

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