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Showing posts with label this is it. Show all posts

Tuesday 8 December 2009

This Is It... My First Trip To The Cinema

This post is long overdue! Sorry!

Auww!! Yep... you read it right..! I had my first experience of being inside a cinema a couple of weeks ago watching none other than the much anticipated This Is It.

Going into the cinema! Woohoo!

Of course, the experience was very new to me so in the beginning I panicked because it was dark and the screen was huge! When MJ started singing it felt like he was right there, very near to us. The music and his voice came from everywhere around me. After awhile, I calmed down and watched it while I snuggled in Tok Mama's arms. Somehow, watching MJ sing and dance had somewhat a calming effect on me that I fell asleep right in the middle of it! I woke up later during the show and managed to catch the last half an hour of the show, hehehe...

Yeay!! I made it! My first movie!

When we came out, everyone said that I was very well-behaved and were surprised because I didn't cry or make any noise. I'm glad Mommy and Dadda were brave enough to let me experience it.

Like MJ said, 'It's all in the name of LOVE'... Check out the lovely trailer!

<a href="">LinkedTube</a>

Make sure you read this too!

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