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Showing posts with label fun in pd. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fun in pd. Show all posts

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Life Is Full Of Exciting Weekends

Weekends are to most something to always look forward to. That includes me! I have a lot of fun-filled weekends.

Last month, on the 12th of May, Tok Mama's work place held its Family Day at Tiara Beach Resort in Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan and all of us joined. We drove Tok Abah's MPV all the way to PD. We left Bibik in PJ on the way to PD, though.

In the car, dropping off Bibik in PJ on the way to PD

We arrived slightly later than expected so as soon as we reached the resort, we had to rush and change into our swimwear/sportswear as the telematch had already begun. All the adults took part in the telematches while Idzhar and I played with the sand.

Idzhar and I playing with the sand while Mommy took time off from the telematch

The telematch lasted for hours. When it was finally over at around 6pm, we all went up to our rooms and cleaned up. At around 8pm we went to a restaurant at the resort for dinner. 

Just arrived at the restaurant

We gave a little performance (even I did)

We all got prizes from the telematch. Mommy and Adida's team won the 1st place

Even I got something too :)

All Tok Mama's colleagues and their families

Our family :)

Right after dinner we all went back to our room. We were all really tired from the telematch. The next morning, we had breakfast together and it was Mother's Day.  

After breakfast, we headed straight to the pool! That was the fun part :)

Don't you think I make a hot mermaid?

So that was a really happening weekend! 

The week after, on Saturday, the 19th of May, Mommy and Dadda decided to take me to my 1st LRT experience because I've been pestering them to for months! Finally, we had a free weekend to do it. Adida came along with us and took the train to KLCC and Mak Lel joined us there.

My 1st train ride ever in London, UK, April, 2010, when I was 2 years old

About to go on my 1st LRT ride here at Paramount LRT station, PJ

Waiting for the LRT to arrive

Here comes one

I'm a happy girl :)

Dadda and I at the front part of the train

The train also went underground

Finally reached KLCC, had lunch at one of the cafe restaurants, Coffee & Spice

hmm... this looks yummy...

Light entertainment before we left KLCC

The next day, we had to attend a wedding at one of the lake gardens in KL. Mommy made me wear one of my Cheongsams for that outdoor garden wedding.

Walking sexily to the venue

Check out my pose :)

Idzhar and Bibik came along too

At the garden entrance

Water Lilies in the lake

The wedding

I told you my weekends are exciting. 

I have more to tell of my other weekends.

Soon, in my future posts :)

Make sure you read this too!

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