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Showing posts with label auntie debbie. Show all posts

Monday 16 January 2012

Goodbye 2011, Hello 2012!

It's been quite a while...

From the moment Khaliq came into our lives, we've been really busy. Just after a month Mommy delivered Khaliq, Ayah Ngah's solemnisation ceremony took place at Aunty Intan's home in Gombak. I attended the ceremony with Mommy and Dadda while Khaliq had to stay home with Wan Ndak. Tok Mama was away in Japan at that point of time.

On the 17th of December, we had Khaliq's Aqiqah ceremony.
 We invited close friends and family and it was quite an interesting affair. Khaliq was really well-behaved during the ceremony. 

Baby Idzhar's goodie bag.

Idzhar behaving himself.
We celebrated Christmas in Langkawi Island up north with Adida and Mak Lel. Tok Abah and Tok Mama sent us to the airport and Pak Su picked us up from the airport when we arrived back from Langkawi.

It was a much needed holiday for Mommy before she goes back to work. We went on the cable car, visited the Underwater World, sightseeing and shopped till we dropped (well... at least Mak Lel did...) It was Khaliq's 1st experience on an airplane too... not that he'd remember it.

Idzhar and Mommy boarding...

Me making silly faces...

So happy that we've arrived at our destination.

With my Trunki, just arrived at the hotel.

Isn't he just adorable?

Lunch with Mommy and Dadda before the cable car ride.

With Adida and Mak Lel in the cable car.


Mommy and her two babies.

Breakfast at The Loaf.

With the penguins at Underwater World.

Made a new friend.

With Aunty Debbie, Dadda's friend at her 'cafe' on Pantai Chenang.

Pantai Chenang.

Dataran Lang.

On the way back home. (update status?)

And then there were Ayah Ngah's wedding receptions. 
Aunty Intan's side on the 31st of December at Maju Junction.

The lovely couple in pink.

And our side on the 1st of January, 2012 at Dewan Tabung Haji, Kelana Jaya.

I was one of the flower girls.

The happy couple in blue.

Tok Abah, Tok Mama, Pak Su and Wan Ndak attended the wedding too.

Dadda was the MC.

Adik had his share of attention too.

With Tok Uda and Wan Uda.

With Adik who was well-behaved on that day.

My family with the bride and groom.

The women in PJ family.

The whole PJ family in blue & pearl.

So that was how I bid farewell to 2011 and welcomed the new year. 
Now, back to school. Huhuhu... (Dadda jangan sentap! :)

Make sure you read this too!

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