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Showing posts with label The Great Escapade. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Great Escapade. Show all posts

Tuesday 5 May 2009

The Great Escapade: Fly ME For FREE please!

You're probably wondering what on earth is the title all about! Well, let me enlighten you...

Our beloved Malaysian Airlines has 9 packages for us to choose when booking for flights. My favourite of all is obviously the 'Kids Fly Free' package. The ultimate reason? So I don't get left behind everytime Mommy and Dadda go for a trip or holiday! Duh!

Mommy and Dadda have this serious need to travel or go for a holiday at least twice a year and every single time I was left behind with Tok Mama and Tok Abah.

Thanks Tok Abah, but I wanna go on a real flight!!

I mean, when is this going to end? It's about time they take me along! The reason given was, as always, I was too little and a waste of money to pay for flight tickets.

Dear MAS, please pick me to go on a FREE FLIGHT!!

Well, I've got news for you, Mommy and Dadda, I'm no longer the little baby I once was and now, tadda... MAS has these lovely, awesome packages for you to choose from and one of it is, guess what? Yes, free tickets for kids! Isn't that just perfect for my first flight ever?

So, now, can I tag along? Please... pretty please..?

Leaving on a MAS Jet Plane.. Hopefully soon...

Make sure you read this too!

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