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Saturday 21 December 2019


Hi there!

As I said in my last post, my school was having a Christmas fair! The fair happened finally and it was so fun!

As a pupil in P7 (Primary 7), my friends and I had to help all the teachers in running the stalls. We worked so hard! I had to sell Christmas charms that we made ourselves while Idzhar and his friends in P4 sold hot chocolates. Their hot chocolates were such a hit that they were sold out within the first hour itself! Mommy Dadda and Aysha came a bit late so they did not get a chance to buy the hot chocolate drinks.

When Mommy and Dadda arrived, they gave me a bit of money so I could take a break from my duty and do a bit of shopping myself. I bought a pair of penguin earrings and box of slime. Idzhar got a Minecraft book and Aysha also got a couple of baby books for 20p each. Mommy also bought some toys for Aysha for 50p each.

After we're done at the fair, my friends and I went back to our classroom while the parents (including my mommy), gathered at the assembly hall to wait for their kids. While they waited, they got to enjoy coffee and tea with some pastries of their choice while the teachers pulled out the Raffles tickets. Unfortunately, we didn't win any prizes on that day. I guess we'll have to try again next time.😞

Anyway, while my friends and I waited for the bell, we danced and sang to Christmas songs. Idzhar said they got to watch Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in their classroom after their job at the fair. Hehe...

We all had fun that day! Here are some pictures (except for the dancing-in-the-classroom because I had no camera) from that day.

Mommy, Dadda and Aysha came while I was busy selling our Christmas charms.

Aysha holding one of the toys Mommy bought for her.

Mommy queueing up for coffee. 

A quick picture with Aysha and her toy before I go up to my classroom.

Mommy treated us to hot chocolate and cakes after school.

That's all for now. Till my next post!

Merry Christmas and happy holidays everybody!


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